The Guatemala Experience

Don’t Just See the World



Our mission is to create a connection between volunteers and the local indigenous people of Guatemala, while providing sustainable solutions that empower individuals and communities in need.

We aspire to build a world where cultural differences are celebrated, and communities have access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

Through our efforts in Guatemala, we aim to inspire a global movement of compassionate individuals working towards a more just and equitable world.

  • A unique and meaningful opportunity for volunteers who seek to make a lasting impact on the lives of the indigenous people of Guatemala. Our purpose is to bridge the cultural gap between volunteers and locals, while uplifting individuals and communities in need.

    We groups of volunteers to a small underdeveloped village on the bank of Lake Atitlan. During this trip, volunteers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture and work alongside community members on various humanitarian projects.

  • Our projects are based on the specific needs of the community, and depending on the trip, may include initiatives such as building schools, providing access to clean water, or supporting local entrepreneurs. Through these projects, volunteers not only make a difference in the lives of others, but also gain a deep understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities in Guatemala.


    Anyone 16 or older can volunteer as an individual. Come alone or bring a friend, either way, you’ll have a warm welcome!

    ***Those under 18 will need to come with an adult that agrees to be their responsible party.


    We welcome all families, couples, and groups! The more the merrier! Parents are in charge of supervising their children under the age of 18.

  • Every three months we go back, check up, and further assist.

    Upcoming Trips

Lifting Jaibalito

Throughout the year, we work with companies and communities in remote villages outside of Guatemala City. However, the highlight of our efforts is the Guatemala Experience, where we take a group of volunteers to a small underdeveloped village on the bank of Lake Atitlan. During this trip, volunteers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture and work alongside community members on various humanitarian projects.


Our projects are based on the specific needs of the community, and may include initiatives such as building schools, providing access to clean water, or supporting local entrepreneurs. Through these projects, volunteers not only make a difference in the lives of others, but also gain a deep understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities in Guatemala.

Anadesa Learning Center

Anadesa is a small undeveloped learning center in the nearby town of Santiago. With only two large rooms, holding students ages 8-18 years of age, the teachers have a hard time providing a necessary learning environment. They have many needs and necessary renovations volunteers will take part in.

Learning Center Projects

They’re needs range from WiFi integration to classroom renovations. Volunteers will be helping with technology, building/painting, even teaching English and educational classes.

It’s time to make a difference!


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